About the Journal

Print ISSN: 0128-116X Online ISSN: 2550-1992
2 issues per year


Al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues (IJICI) is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal published biannually by Penerbit UIS, Malaysia. IJICI attracts a diverse international audience, showcasing multidisciplinary research across all topical themes of contemporary Islam. It addresses issues that transcend both intellectual and geographic boundaries and reports empirical results with broad implications. With guidance from an esteemed editorial board and meticulously selected reviewers, IJICI focuses on exploring significant, contemporary and ground-breaking discussions in the areas of Islamic contemporary issues and welcomes new insights and directions for study in this field.

The IJICI provides a platform for exploring modern challenges through the perspectives of Muslim scholars. By emphasising the relevance and adaptability of Islamic thought, the journal fosters critical discussions and integrates it into the broader social scientific discourse of today's global society.

IJICI is essential reading for academics, regulators, and experts in Islam. The editorial team is committed to open and critical dialogue and encourages scholarly papers from different disciplines, using diverse methodologies, and from all corners of the globe.

The editorial board welcomes original contributions (written in Bahasa Melayu, English or Arabic) which have never been published or considered for publication by any other publishers.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the scope of the IJICI. Please read the information on the publication ethics statement. The articles published in IJICI are going through a double-blind peer-review process. Hence, the decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not, will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation.

Please read and understand the author’s guidelines for the preparation manuscript. The author who submits a manuscript to the editors should comply with the author's guidelines and template. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or using a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The editorial team will only accept a manuscript that meets the specified formatting requirements.

Manuscripts and all correspondence should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, via online submission system (OJS). This journal subscribes LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival system based at Stanford University Libraries, United Kingdom through PKP Private LOCKSS and CLOCKSS Network program. As to ensure the best adherence to community standards in IJICI archiving policy, IJICI is adherence to Sherpa Romeo archiving standards.

The IJICI is indexed by Google Scholar, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI)ROAD ISSN, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), CiteFactor, ResearchBibBase, Index Copernicus, Harvard Library, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Malaysian Citation Centre (MyJurnal), Malaysian Citation Centre (MyCite), Crossref, Dimensions, Publons, ORCiD, EuroPub, MIAR, ASI, Scilit, and OpenAIRE.


Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues
List of the Articles for Vol. 9, No. 2, December 2024

The current issue, Volume 9, Issue 2 (December 2024), brings together six compelling articles from three different countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia) that reflect the diversity and depth of contemporary Islamic studies. These works delve into critical areas such as social harmony, spiritual resilience, ethical guidance, mental health, electoral integrity, and Islamic entrepreneurship. Together, they provide a comprehensive look at how Islamic values and principles can be applied to address multifaceted challenges in today’s world.

Published: 2024-12-24

Editorial Foreword

  • Illuminating the Path of Contemporary Islamic Scholarship

    Azwar Azwar
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.53840/alirsyad.v9i2.490



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Print ISSN: 0128-116X Online ISSN: 2550-1992
Two (2) issues per year

al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues is an electronic journal (e-journal) published by Penerbit UIS. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

The IJICI is indexed by Google Scholar, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI)ROAD ISSN, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), CiteFactor, ResearchBibBase, Index Copernicus, UDL EDGE, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Malaysian Citation Centre (MyJurnal), Malaysian Citation Centre (MyCite), Crossref, Dimensions, Publons, ORCiD, EuroPub, MIAR, ASI, Scilit, and OpenAIRE.


Faculty of Islamic Civilisation Studies, Universiti Islam Selangor (UIS), Bandar Seri Putra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, MALAYSIA

al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues (IJICI) by Penerbit UIS is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0