Ciri berita bernilai dalam komunikasi dakwah oleh pendakwah selebriti wanita menerusi video instagram
Newsworthiness in communications of da‘wa through video on instagram by female celebrity preachers: Qualitative content analysis
Newsworthiness, Social Media, Celebrity Preachers, Da‘wa Communication, FacelessAbstract
Da‘wa through social media is considered one of the alternatives for reaching and guiding society on the teachings of Islam. Female preachers are actively engaging in utilizing this medium for da‘wa, particularly through Instagram. However, the primary challenge in da‘wa on Instagram lies in achieving a high reach for posts. One strategy to engage readers in news reporting is by employing the criteria of newsworthiness within posts. This research endeavors to investigate Instagram reels created by female celebrity preachers, evaluating their alignment with newsworthiness criteria based on views and likes. The study adopts a qualitative approach, conducting content analysis on 25 reels produced by five selected female celebrity preachers over a six-month period. This analysis is guided by the Discursive News Value Analysis theory proposed by Bednarek & Caple. Findings indicate that human interest emerges as the primary criterion, constituting 26% of the total reels examined. Following this, impact criteria account for 23%, with proximity criteria representing 20%. Timeliness criteria are observed at 16%, while conflict criteria rank the lowest at 15%. The study concludes by discussing recommendations for preachers, particularly on Instagram, aiming to enhance their effectiveness in reaching and engaging the target audience.
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