An introduction of Islamic standpoint: Special review on interdisciplinary insights from Quranic exegesis to economic development strategies

Pengenalan pendirian Islam: Tinjauan khas tentang wawasan rentas disiplin daripada pentafsiran al-Quran kepada strategi pembangunan ekonomi




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Author Biography

Nasimah Abdullah, Universiti Islam Selangor (UIS), Malaysia.

Dr. Nasimah obtained her PhD in Arabic Linguistic Studies in 2015 and her Master of Human Sciences (Arabic as a Second Language) in 2000 from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She obtained a Bachelor of Human Sciences (Arabic Language and Literature) from the same university in 1997. With a wealth of 20 years of expertise, she has taught the Arabic language across a range of subjects including syntax, morphology, and rhetorical science. You can reach her at:


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How to Cite

Abdullah, N. (2024). An introduction of Islamic standpoint: Special review on interdisciplinary insights from Quranic exegesis to economic development strategies: Pengenalan pendirian Islam: Tinjauan khas tentang wawasan rentas disiplin daripada pentafsiran al-Quran kepada strategi pembangunan ekonomi. Al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 9(1), xii-xv.

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